Change Children’s Lives
Through Education
An Educational Opportunity
In Cooperation With
The Face of Need…
Although Ethiopia is an emerging nation, there are many children who are still in need of quality education. The government recognizes that the Melcane Yesu Church is well positioned in their respective communities to provide classrooms, teaches, and care to the whole family.
What will your donation provide?
- Classrooms
- School Supplies
- Text Books
- Resources for Teachers
- Emotional Support
- Spiritual Care
To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth… Proverbs 1:2-4
Where Is The Ministry Happening?
Ethiopia is located in the hom of Mica (next to the Sudan and Somalia). Dukan is a town southeast of Ethiopia’s main city of Addis Abiba.
The Land And Deed Are Secure!
The Location of the school has already been chosen and the deed to the land has been secured_ All that remains is building a school on this site located .5 miles been the Duk em Mekane Yesu Chinch!
All That Remains
Is To Build The School!
Every Donation Matters…Every Dollar Helps!
For more information please contact:
Andes Tesfazion
Ethiopian Mission Coordinator
Donations can be mailed to:
Grace Lutheran Church & School
12200 McCormick Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32225
Ann: Ethiopian School Fund
Phone: (904)928-9136
Service Times
8:30 AM – Traditional Worship Service
9:45 AM – Sunday School & Bible Classes for all ages
11:00 AM – Contemporary Worship Service
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of every month, and if there is a fifth Sunday.